Student entrepreneurship

By late 2020, Université Gustave Eiffel boasted 46 Student Entrepreneurs out of 109 within the PEPITE (between December 2019 and February 2021, the number of student entrepreneurs supported rose from 7 to 46).

Out of the first 14 Student Entrepreneurs in late 2019 due for the renewal of their one-year status, there were: 10 renewals, 1 drop-out; 1 change of training site and 1 student who is pursuing his project elsewhere without PEPITE, but nevertheless thanks to the boost provided by PEPITE support.

Out of 36 returns, there were 14 business creations, mostly as micro-companies or simplified single shareholder companies (SASU).

For more information on the support scheme for Student Entrepreneurs


A new format of afterwork workshops has been created. On-site tests were carried out in February and March 2020 with 3 themed, interactive workshops including feedback and testimonies, in an informal atmosphere around a buffet meal designed to facilitate networking.

In all, 7 afterwork sessions were organised in 2020, either on site or remotely.

Dare to be an entrepreneur
Poster "Take part in 3EF afterwork sessions"


Student entrepreneurship forms part of the national Pépite France scheme, with its regional sub-programme PEPITE 3EF, for which the coordination between establishments is managed by Paris-Est Sup.

In the framework of PEPITE 3EF, Université Gustave Eiffel organises 2 major annual events:

Poster ‘Tous connectés’

‘Tous connectés’ [All connected]:

‘Tous connectés’ is a pitching contest before a jury of professionals, open to all students from PEPITE 3EF member establishments. The aim is to challenge and distinguish oneself.

  • 33 entries were submitted by a total of 41 students or active young entrepreneurial graduates
  • The 20 professionals on the jury panel examined these projects
  • 3 training sessions in pitching techniques were provided by Tribu Agile CASDEN and the consultant Didier Poirier
  • 7 candidates were pre-selected

Award ceremony, 26 June 2020 - 818 votes for the Audience Choice prize!

‘Tous sensibilisés’ [All aware]:

‘Tous sensibilisés’ is an entrepreneurship awareness challenge, the aim of which is to step into the shoes of an entrepreneur by getting to grips with a practical issue faced by regional stakeholders.

The one-day challenge, usually held on site, went fully digital this year due to the health situation.

  • 7 teachers and 18 groups of students
  • 3 jury members from the University career guidance department (SIO-IP) for the pre-selection phase
  • 5 professional jury members to choose the winners after a pitching session on 5 November 2020
  • 59 connections made during the prize-giving ceremony

[Translate to Anglais:] Reference

Spotlight on the Idea Designers’ Laboratory (LabCI)

The LabCI is an innovative training and guideline tool for Université Gustave Eiffel students wishing to create a business activity.

Spotlight: a project for the future coastline in Grimaud

Local authorities are faced with the threats of flooding, erosion and the privatisation of the coastline. In 2019 and 2020, a team of architecture students from ÉAV&T came to their aid.

Testimony: Anthony Guerree, freelance designer and art director

Anthony Gueree, a graduate of the Master's in Innovation, Design and Luxury in 2011, now a freelance designer, gave us an exclusive interview.

Testimony: Salacia start-up

Interview with two student-entrepreneurs under the PEPITE 3EF scheme.